What is Pet Portraits with Purpose?

Do you want a professional portrait of your pet? Do you love helping animals? Would you like to do both at the same time? Pet Portraits with Purpose has returned at Chris Withers Photography and might be perfect for you! Bring your pet to our cozy boutique studio located in the downtown Springfield, IL area for a fun experience that supports an amazing cause!

Selected from a series of proofs, you will receive one Digital File and an 8x10 premium print. Not only will you cherish this keepsake, but 50% of your investment will go towards supporting homeless, mistreated and frail pets in your community through the local Animal Protective League (APL). Investment to reserve a spot for PPWP is $150. Payment is due at booking.

Join us in making a positive change for animals in your community through the art of photography. This event only occurs once every four months and has limited spots. Please scroll down to check availability. We hope to see you there!

Want to know more about PPWP and how it started? Click to read my story.

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next shoot date


11:00 am MONTY
11:30 am  Maggie & Willow
11:45 am ZOLA
12:15 pm Maui
12:30 pm Bentley
1:00 pm Charlie
1:30 pm Willow
1:45 pm Jimmy
4:00 pm INDY


What Time Works Best For You?

spread the word

Watching Pet Portraits With Purpose grow over the years has filled our hearts with so much love, and we would love to see this cause continue to spread and warm the hearts of everyone that takes part in it and beyond!

Please share the news about Pet Portraits With Purpose to your family and friends, and as a special thank you for being awesome, we will upgrade your print to an 11x14 when they reserve a spot.

Want some help sharing? Simply copy the message below and send away!

Hey there! Chris Withers Photography is doing something called Pet Portraits With Purpose. It is pretty awesome! You will be able to bring your pet into the studio for a professional portrait. You will receive a digital file and print. Here is the best part, 50% of all profits will go to the Local APL! Check it out the link below for more information!


To keep things manageable we are only able to do one pet per portrait. Photographing multiple pets requires more time and patience. If you wish to photograph multiple pets, you will need to reserve one spot for each pet.

Text us when you arrive. We will reply when we are ready for you and your pet to enter. Please take a moment to walk your pet in the open yard next to the parking lot. This can help them not be as anxious or excited when entering the studio.

We have a total of 15 minutes for your session. Please leave a few minutes early to avoid traffic, find the location and avoid losing precious moments to capture your pet. Remember to bring any special snacks or toys that will help them to be attentive and happy!

To keep your Pet Portrait running smoothly, please see the below guidelines...

my story

My love and empathy for animals began at an early age. Growing up with two dogs, Tippy and Princess, taught me the value of having a loyal bond with a pet. They were more than just animals to me; they were my friends, and losing them was a difficult experience.

However, I found solace in helping other animals in need. Over the years, my family welcomed more pets, and they became a part of our family. I would often find myself helping stray cats and dogs that would roam by the train tracks behind my childhood home in Springfield, Illinois. That's when I met my cat Ben.

Ben was a cat that randomly came into my life, and he became the first pet that was my sole responsibility. Although he was a little older and had a tough life, I connected with him on a deep level. We bonded over our life struggles, and I made it my mission to provide him with the best care and love possible.

When Ben was diagnosed with a disease that would take his life in a few months, I was devastated. He was the first pet I had full responsibility for, and I didn't want to lose him so soon. I did everything I could to find help and answers, and my efforts led me to a vet who took on the challenge to do some routine treatments.

Thanks to those treatments and my unwavering belief in Ben's fight, he lived another four happy years. The experience with Ben inspired me to do something that gave back to pets like him. That's why I started doing pet portraits, and it's been a reminder of all the pets in my life, especially Ben.

I've come to realize that animals can be quite amazing, and they have a lot to teach us about love, loyalty, and resilience. My journey with Ben taught me to never give up and always fight for what we believe in. I hope that my story inspires others to be more compassionate towards animals and to do what they can to help those in need. Together, we can make a difference and create a world where animals are treated with the love and respect they deserve.

Here is the conclusion to my story, and why I do Pet Portraits With Purpose at my studio in Springfield, Illinois. When I was young, cameras were rare in my home. Pictures of Tippy, Princess and Ben do not exist. As a professional photographer, this is something that breaks my heart. This program is a reminder of how important these times with those you love matter so much. Thank you for listening to my story.

Studio address
2160 South 6th St., Suite G
Springfield,IL 62703